Do You Really Have To File Tax Return in 2015?

Tax season opens in a few days. The Internal Revenue Service expects to process nearly 150 million individual tax returns by the time tax season wraps. Will you be filing one of those returns? And more important, do you need to? […]

IRS Opens Tax Filing Sooner in 2015

The IRS will open the 2015 tax filing season on Jan. 20, or 11 days sooner than it began accepting returns one year ago. The start date applies to both paper and electronic returns and was set after Congress renewed several […]

Obamacare Will Change Your 2014 Tax Return

W-2s and 1099s for 2014 will soon be arriving in the mail. So it’s not too early to start thinking about putting together your Form 1040 for last year. For 2014, there are only two important federal income tax changes […]

Know Your State Tax Filing Status for Same Sex Couples

The federal government has made some things clear: Same-sex couples married in any jurisdiction that permits such unions must now file their federal returns as married, even if they live in a state that doesn’t recognize their marriage. But the […]

IRS Releases Dirty Dozen Tax Scams for 2014

The Internal Revenue Service today issued its annual “Dirty Dozen” list of tax scams, reminding taxpayers to use caution during tax season to protect themselves against a wide range of schemes ranging from identity theft to return preparer fraud. The […]

This Simple Tax Error Could Be Costing You Over $2,800

“Tax” has become a four-letter word in political discourse, but whether you think companies should pay less or rich people should pay more, there’s one thing most Americans can agree on: They’d be happy if their annual tax bill dropped. […]

History of the Tax Return

Taxes are on the minds of many Americans this week as we finish the last minute details to get those returns in the mail on time. Taxes are a part of life that rolls around every year just like many […]